What is Neurofeedback?
Dynamical Neurofeedback® is a technology developed by Zengar Institute and used in its NeurOptimal® neurofeedback training systems. Instead of providing specific “direction”, Dynamical Neurofeedback® is designed to take advantage of the brain’s natural learning processes by encouraging it to function as originally designed. NeurOptimal®’s neurofeedback trainers then simply promote and facilitate the brain’s natural tendency toward self-regulation, resilience and flexibility. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holonomic_brain_theory)
Is Neurofeedback right for me?
What should I expect?
Neurofeedback therapy can be right for everyone. From dealing with depression or anxiety, to improving your focus and concentration during your golf game, Neurofeedback trains the brain to work in a more efficient manner. Some people who seek neurofeedback training note some of the following as being stressors: irritability, not being able to turn your mind off, physical tension, feeling uncomfortable in your own skin, nightmares, brain fog, hypervigilance, unstable mood, depression/sadness, inattention, insomnia, lack of safety, low self-worth and emotional reactivity.
Common reasons to train with Neurofeedback include:
attention, focus and behaviour problems in school or at work
improvements in athletic performance
improvements to executive functioning, memory and decision making
professional improvement
sleep quality
cognitive decline and aging
childhood trauma and PTSD
In my practice I use the NeurOptimal® system. A session is booked for 50 minutes, at the start, we discuss some goals and do a check in, then set up for the session. A NeurOptimal® session lasts for 33 minutes. During this time you'll sit back in a comfortable chair and watch a relaxing display of graphics. After the 33 minutes we have a short debreif and you've completed your session. Generally about 10 sessions are enough to notice a significant change, though some people have noticed results in as few as 5 and sometimes prefer 20 or more sessions.
For Deaf and Hard of Hearing clients, we adapt the visual input and clients can choose to hold a speaker to feel the vibrations if they choose.
The cost is $140 per session and can be reimbursed by extended health benefits if your plan covers RCC or CCC designations.